Category Archives: Introductions

Introductions to children’s literature in the Nordic countries

The Kid E-Lit exhibition tours Finland

Kidelit logoThe Kid E-Lit exhibition offered new e-reading experiences for children and youth in the libraries of Bergen, Roskilde and Aarhus. Now the exhibition, presenting multimodal and interactive literature applications for tablet computers, is being prepared for a tour in Finland. Local additions to the exhibits include Finnish e-lit applications, artefacts from the history electronic literature as well as e-books made by children.

The exhibition takes place in Helsinki Töölö library 3.9.–30.9., Jyväskylä city library 8.10.–29.10. and Tampere main library Metso 7.11.–30.11.. In Tampere the exhibition is part of the international Nordic E-Stories seminar on 7.-8.11. 2016.